Honeysuckle Walks

a literature & philosophy blog

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Fear, mortality, and authenticity
A. L. Peck A. L. Peck

Fear, mortality, and authenticity

β€œTo be alive is the biggest fear humans have. Death is not the biggest fear we have; our biggest fear is taking the risk to be alive…”

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Seneca on anger
A. L. Peck A. L. Peck

Seneca on anger

Anger is like stepping into quicksand. The angrier you get, the more damage you inflict upon yourself; just as the more…

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Seneca on time
chaos A. L. Peck chaos A. L. Peck

Seneca on time

Time is invaluable: it's finite, we don't know how much of it we have and we can never get it back. Yet it's easy to forget its value.

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