Aristotle’s horror vacui and the vacuum law of prosperity
In her book Dynamic Laws of Prosperity, Catherine Ponder introduces various laws that govern reality. One of these is the vacuum law of prosperity, or the idea that you have to “get rid of what you don’t want to make room for what you do want.”
She bases this law on the principle that nature abhors vacuums (or empty spaces) and always fills them—an idea that originates with Aristotle and early philosophers. Ponder asserts that once you create a vacuum, the universe will fill it.
You can apply this principle to many facets of life—everything from physical objects you desire to careers and relationships. But how does the vacuum law of prosperity work in practice and what makes it so powerful?
Let’s explore its origins, applications, and what determines its success.
Creating necessity
On a practical level, it’s easier to fill an empty space than to replace something that’s already there. Why? Because empty space creates necessity.
Let’s say you hate the blinds in your living room. Every time you look at them you feel annoyed or unhappy, but you can’t afford to replace them. If you leave them up, you can justify keeping them—they’re serving their purpose.
But once you take them down, the room becomes too bright and your neighbors can see into your home. This action creates a sense of urgency and necessity that wasn’t present before.
Ponder (and many others) cite countless examples of people who’ve applied the vacuum law of prosperity only to get what they want soon after, either through unexpected opportunities or even gifts.
The vacuum law of prosperity is like a mental switch. It forces you to see the things that you want as necessities rather than luxuries. It also reveals the value of what’s missing—in this case, the value of curtains isn’t just blocking out light or shielding the room, it’s also your peace of mind.
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Aristotle’s horror vacui
The idea behind the vacuum law of prosperity has its origins with Aristotle. Aristotle wrote about horror vacui—Latin for “horror of the vacuum”—and argued that voids don’t exist in nature. He explained:
“In a void, no one could say why a thing once set in motion should stop anywhere; for why should it stop here rather than here? So that a thing will either be at rest or must be moved ad infinitum, unless something more powerful gets in its way.” — Aristotle, Physics, Book IV, section 8
In other words, Aristotle believed that if a true vacuum existed, objects inside it would have nothing to slow them down or sustain their movement. They would either move infinitely fast or not at all, which contradicts how things behave in the physical world.
To Aristotle, motion wasn’t random—it followed a natural order. He argued that everything in nature moves according to its nature. For example, he believed that heavier objects, like rocks, naturally fall toward the earth, while lighter substances, like smoke, rise into the air. This principle reinforced his belief that nature doesn’t permit true emptiness—every space must be filled by something moving toward its rightful place.
“Further, things are now thought to move into the void because it yields; but in a void this quality is present equally everywhere, so that things should move in all directions.” — Aristotle, Physics, Book IV, section 8
Put simply, Aristotle thought that voids can’t exist in nature—if an empty space were to appear, something would always rush in to fill it. While modern physics disproved parts of this theory, the broader principle remains: empty spaces don’t stay empty for long.
What prevents prosperity?
The vacuum law of prosperity doesn’t work if the space you create is still occupied—physically or emotionally. This is especially true in friendships and relationships.
If you’re trying to move on from a friendship or relationship that no longer serves you, simply cutting ties isn’t enough. If you still harbor resentment, anger, or other unresolved emotions, you haven’t created an empty space—those feelings are occupying that space.
To create a vacuum, you need to rid yourself of these negative emotions. Ponder suggests the way to do this is through forgiveness. She writes:
“The power of letting go of fixed ideas, attitudes, and opinions makes way for more pleasant experiences.”
Forgiveness means freeing yourself of anger, tension, and the weight of unresolved emotions. Ponder recommends spending 30 minutes each day mentally forgiving everyone you feel has wronged you or who you’re at odds with, including yourself.
The vacuum law of prosperity isn’t just about clearing space—it’s about making room for something better. Whether it’s letting go of objects, habits, or relationships, what you remove shapes what can take its place. But for it to work, the space must truly be empty—physically, mentally, and emotionally.
Have you seen this law in action in your own life? Share your thoughts in the comments section below and sign up to our monthly newsletter for more insights!
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